Does Your Agent Know Your Business?1 min read


That’s the average customer satisfaction score (out of 1000) among small business customers according to J.D. Power’s 2013 U.S. Small Business Commercial Insurance Study. If we’re using 1000 as the perfect score and turning it into a percentage, that equates to 77%. In our book, that’s just average. We do not aspire to be average. Why should you expect your agent to only score average?

Exactly. We didn’t think you just wanted an average score.

So that brings us to something that does make sense: Satisfaction is significantly higher when an agent or broker understands their customer’s business and provides guidance regarding risk. This score averages 835. Much better, but still just “B” caliber work. What does it take to get to an “A?”

Jeremy Bowler, Senior Director of the Insurance Practice at J.D. Power tells us that “providing face-to-face consultation, from policy review to helping customer understand price adjustments initiated by the insurer, is crucial for customer retention and satisfaction.”

Insurance is built upon trust. The best way to cultivate trust is through real, personal relationships. Ask yourself, “When was the last time your broker was in your shop?

We’d love to visit you. Go ahead, show off your business. We’re listening and we’re interested.

If you want average, why not listen to some Average White Band?





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