Pet costs can get very price (very quickly). But just like so many things in life, if you’re proactive now, you (and your pet) can benefit later.
We’ve developed a relationship with Petplan to bring you their fantastic options for pet insurance. It’s as simple as heading over to their site, By getting to their site from our page, you’ll automatically generate a 10% premium discount.
Petplan can provide coverage for accidents & illnesses, chronic & hereditary conditions, prescription medications, non-routine dental treatment, and more! Petplan provides the flexibility to visit any licensed Vet within the United States (or Canada). You even have the option of having your pet’s health history underwritten in advance – this means that Petplan will tell you in advance whether there is anything that will not be covered.
There are three basic policy options (we think the Affordable Care Act copied the names): Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level corresponds to a different Annual Coverage Limit. You also have a choice of deductible to help keep the premium reasonable. A couple quick questions (ex: what is your dog’s breed and age?) about your pet and we can get you all setup rather quickly.
Find out more by contacting Andy Enders today.