“Be Prepared!” is what Chip always says – not only in insurance, but in life too. Chip thrives by helping our clients to sleep well at night knowing that their hard-earned assets are protected.
A dedicated community servant, Chip is very active with the Boy Scouts of America as a Tiger Den Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster, District Chairman for Scouting in Dauphin County, and he’s on the New Birth of Freedom Council Board of Directors.
Chip has also been active in Rotary International since 1989 and is currently a member of the club in Hershey. He’s been the Rotary District Insurance Chair, a member of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Committee (which is a weeklong leadership experience for High School Seniors at Messiah College), and active with Rotary Youth Exchange, which allows youth to have a yearlong international experience.
Chip also sings and plays guitar at Holy Name of Jesus Church, and is a past president of the Colonial Crest Association in Harrisburg.